Me and the Pocket Monster have moved!

Hi and welcome to my blog.

I expect those of you reading this to know me already but if you don't, HI! I'm Carys - a part time law student working full time in the music industry.

So, what have I been up to? Well as most of you know I moved last weekend to Sunny Streatham with the pocket monster (aka Luke). Moving was the usual nightmare. It took two car loads to shift the PM's stuff but over three hours to drive from East Finchley to Streatham (ring roads are not fun!). My stuff took about four car loads but I did have most of the kitchen stuff!

Unpacking is pretty much done now. When I got in from college last night I sorted out my underbed storage and turned it into a draw for my clothes (I have got rid of about 3 big bags of clothes and PM still says I have too many!). Hopefully after tonight the bedroom will be done and then we are pretty much done! Woo Hoo!!!

We still need to invest in a blender for smoothies, a second bookshelf (my college stuff fills the one I brought from home), a computer desk for PM's computer. and a few other bits and bobs.

So, living with a boy for the first time is odd but its fun.


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