New Years Aim Update

So far I am off to a good start on my New Year Aims. The sewing course is booked, I have finished the first book on my list of books to read and am onto the second one, I am cycling nearly everyday to work (it's not always convenient to cycle so sometimes I need to resort to public transport) which is in turn saving money and helping me try to loose weight.

For all the good stuff though I am having a nightmare on the weight front. I have been using the Wii to track my progress but so far it is up and down like a yo-yo. Every time I think I have done well and am starting to loose weight by the next time I get on the scales it is up again. I've been tracking my calorie intake on My Fitness Pal and cutting down on sweet stuff and alcohol but at the moment it is taking it's time coming off. I guess though it is early days and normally these things take a while. I just need to keep at it.

I've been looking at language courses. I thought about learning Danish what with spending a lot of time in Copenhagen but trying to find courses or decent books is harder than I thought. Not to worry. I am going to look at refreshing my French with my flat mate (another from the 28 list) and try and pick up my Spanish again.

Cooking wise - I'll be honest I haven't started yet but I have been trying to use up food I have already in the freezer and cupboard but I hope to make a start on that aim tonight.

The debt is coming down, slowly but surely. I am waiting for the sales to finish before having a listing frenzy on eBay. I have a fair bit that has gathered up in the corner of my room again. I hate my room looking a mess so it has to go sooner rather than later. On current projections I should hopefully be debt free in April. I just have to hope no more awesome gigs are announced in the coming weeks (already it looks like I will double the amount of gigs I went to last year in the first half of this year).

I'm waiting to hear from work when the PRINCE2 course will be running this year. I hope it is soon as I want to crack on with as many aims as possible now rather than end up trying to do loads towards the end of the year. Also,I am really keen to learn stuff at the moment (I'm a freak I know) so best to start while I have some enthusiasm for it.

As I am trying to be good I haven't made any cakes but I have free weekend soon when both my flatmates are around and others are too so I have cake testers to hand. I have also noted a cake decorating course on one of the voucher websites so I will be looking into that later today.

On the last two I have to be honest I haven't actually looked too much into it. I have an idea for the last aim and I am waiting for details on London to Brighton this year as well as a few other events. I might have a closer look at it next weekend as at the moment it looks rather free.

Overall, three weeks into the month and I am not doing too bad. I feel I am already making better progress than I did last year at least. And if the 12 aims I already have aren't enough I am thinking of adding a bonus one.

Due to formatting nightmares on blogger I have been increasingly writing my blogposts via the html composer. I have got to grips with the basics in html code but I want to learn how to do it properly and be able to make the site look awesome. I have looked at a few books and will be trying to pick one up in the next month or so. At worst HTML for dummies in on my birthday wishlist. I will keep you posted on my progress on that one as well as the other New Year Aims.


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