The Retribution - Val McDermid: New Year Aim No.8

The Retribution

Val McDemid - The Retribution

Whilst on the plane back from Copenhagen last week, I finished another book on my bookshelf. Ok, so this one hasn't been there long having only been bought for me at Christmas, but a new Val McDermid book never stays unread on my bookshelf for long.

This book is the 7th in the Wire in the Blood series. My brother David bought my first ever Val McDermid book - The Torment of Others - which was the 4th book in this series. I quickly read all the original ones and have been waiting with anticipation for each new book to be released.

Throughout the series there has been a will they won't they underlying story line with the main two characters, Tony Hill and Carol Jordon. I've been rooting for them for some time and hoped when the series appeared to come to an end as it looks like it has now, it would be a happy ending.

But this is Val McDermid. I haven't once read a book of hers and second guessed the outcome. This was certainly not the book where that would change.

I think the guy sitting next to me on the plane thought I was a bit of a freak when I threw my hands up in exasperation and sat with my mouth open muttering to myself "You can't end it like THAT!"

So what caused this reaction? I guess that even though it had never really looked likely for the most doomed couple I have read about in a book, I always, always hoped it would be a happy ending for Tony and Carol. I hoped they would eventually get together and complete each other's lives. Sadly it's not the case and after 7 books of following this turbulent relationship, the ending was not the one I was hoping for. It was left in a why that actually had me asking more questions like "ok so she said that was the end but she lives with him, surely she cannot move out without having to see him again?" and "what about the move to West Mercia? If they are in the same place will they not bump into each other or will he now not move as the house was burnt down but she is still going though isn't she?". All in all it left me asking a number questions. The characters may feel they got closure but I haven't.

The ending aside, the book was brillilant and difficult to put down. I highly recommend this series to anyone and any books by Val McDermid. There is always a twist which, as I said before, I have never been able to second guess.

So I am down to 20 books left to read now although I have a sneaky suspicion there may be a few more I have found lurking behind my computer games. I am now looking at some of the picture books on the list to read so I can read the next instalment in the Millennium Series, The Girl who Played with Fire.


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